Partner violence

Partner violence is any form of violence between 2 people who have an emotional and/or sexual bond (relationship). Partner violence often shows that there is no equality between the partners.

Partner violence is forbidden by law.

Partner violence can happen in all classes and cultures of society.

Kinds of partner violence

There are four kinds of partner violence:

  • psychological violence, for example: insults, humiliation, threats or ignoring your partner;
  • physical violence, for example: hitting, slapping, treating roughly, forcing your partner to perform or undergo harmful acts (such as taking a bath that is too hot);
  • sexual violence, for example: forcing your partner to have sex (rape), forcing him/her to watch pornography;
  • economic violence, for example: deciding what to do with your or your partner’s money against his/her will, providing insufficient household money, denying him/her necessary material goods.

Solving partner violence

If a discussion threatens to become violent, go to a safe place, even for a little while. Once you are safe, you can think about what you need and what you can do.

It is hard to solve partner violence on your own. Partner violence is likely to happen more than once. Get in touch with professional services, like your doctor, the police or crisis care centres. If you want, you can ask a person you trust to accompany you. You can also call the helpline for partner violence.

Professionals will listen to you without judging you. They also respect your privacy.

If you want to end the violence, you do not necessarily have to end your relationship or leave your partner. Whatever decision you make, always think about your own (and your children’s) safety and wellbeing.

If you feel less self-confident, guilty or ashamed, do not blame yourself. These feelings often result from partner violence.

If you are an offender, you can find help to stop you from repeating partner violence in the future. Look for professional help.


Partnergeweld is elke vorm van geweld tussen 2 mensen die een emotionele en/of seksuele band met elkaar hebben (relatie). Partnergeweld maakt vaak duidelijk dat er geen gelijkheid is tussen de partners.

Partnergeweld is strafbaar.

Partnergeweld kan zich binnen alle klassen en culturen van de samenleving voordoen.

Soorten partnergeweld

Er zijn vier soorten partnergeweld:

  • psychologisch geweld, zoals bijvoorbeeld: beledigingen, vernedering, dreigementen, uw partner negeren;
  • fysiek geweld, zoals bijvoorbeeld: slaan, schoppen, ruw behandelen, uw partner dwingen om schadelijke handelingen uit te voeren of te ondergaan (bijvoorbeeld moeten baden in water dat te heet is);
  • seksueel geweld, zoals bijvoorbeeld: uw partner dwingen seks te hebben (verkrachting), hem/haar dwingen om pornografie te bekijken;
  • economisch geweld, zoals bijvoorbeeld: tegen uw partners wil in beslissen hoe zijn/haar geld besteed wordt, onvoldoende leefgeld voorzien, hem/haar noodzakelijke materiële goederen ontzeggen.

Partnergeweld oplossen

Wanneer een discussie in geweld dreigt te ontaarden, ga dan naar een veilige plaats, zelfs als dit maar voor even is. Zodra u in veiligheid bent, kunt u nadenken over wat u nodig heeft en wat u kunt doen.

Het is moeilijk om partnergeweld alleen op te lossen. Partnergeweld gebeurt vaak meer dan een keer. Neem contact op met professionele diensten zoals uw dokter, de politie of crisisopvangcentra. Als u wilt, kunt u iemand die u vertrouwt vragen om u te vergezellen. U kunt ook bellen naar de hulplijn voor partnergeweld.

Professionele zorgverleners luisteren naar uw verhaal zonder te oordelen. Zij respecteren ook uw privacy.

Als u het geweld wilt stoppen, hoeft u niet noodzakelijk de relatie te beëindigen of uw partner te verlaten. Welke beslissing u ook neemt, sta vooral stil bij uw eigen veiligheid en welzijn (en die van uw kinderen).

Als u zich schuldig, beschaamd of minder zelfverzekerd voelt, dan is het belangrijk uzelf niets te verwijten. Deze gevoelens komen vaak voor bij partnergeweld.

Als u een overtreder bent, kunt u hulp zoeken zodat u uw partner in de toekomst geen geweld meer aandoet. Vraag professionele hulp.

More information or help needed?

Free telephone number for an answer to all questions regarding violence.
1712 (9-17h)
Sexual Violence Care Centre (Zorgcentrum na seksueel geweld) - Brussels
Service in the hospital for victims of sexual violence. The care centre provides medical and psychological help and helps collect evidence. You can also file complaints here. Open every day, at all times.
02 535 45 42
Sexual Violence Care Centre (Zorgcentrum na seksueel geweld) - Ghent
Service in the hospital for victims of sexual violence. The care centre provides medical and psychological help and helps collect evidence. You can also file complaints here. Open every day, at all times.
09 332 80 80
Sexual Violence Care Centre (Zorgcentrum na seksueel geweld) - Liège
Service in the hospital for victims of sexual violence. The care centre provides medical and psychological help and helps collect evidence. You can also file complaints here. Open every day, at all times.
04 367 93 11
Collectif contre les Violences Familiales et l’Exclusion (Collective against Family Violence and the Exclusion) - Help in case of partner violence
04 223 45 67 (24h/24)
Assistance in a life threatening situation
CAW - Centrum Algemeen Welzijn
Centre for general well-being - Help with all kinds of issues: a difficult relationship, medical, financial, administrative, legal or material problems, family problems,... CAWs also provide assistance to victims of violence and abuse. Find a CAW in your neighbourhood:
Centre for prevention, counselling and treatment of sexually abuse behaviour. Help and counseling for perpetrators of sexual violence, persons who have questions about their sexual behaviour and anybody with questions regarding sexual violence.
02 512 62 43 (9-16h)
SOS Viol
Psychological, legal and social help in case of indecent assault or rape
02 534 36 36
Family doctor
You can talk to a family doctor about almost every intimate issue. If necessary the family doctor can refer you to a specialised health professional. Find a family doctor in your neighbourhood:
Community health centre (wijkgezondheidscentrum)
You can visit a family doctor in a community health centre. Other care professionals such as nurses and social workers also work at community health centres. Care is provided free of charge. Find a community health centre in your neighbourhood:
Safe house (vluchthuis)
A safe house provides shelter, support, tranquility and security to people who are threatened and/or abused. The addresses of the safe houses are secret.
078 150 300