Sex during pregnancy
You can have sex when you are pregnant.
Some women want to have sex more often when they are pregnant, others want it less:
- In the first months of pregnancy, many women have little interest in sex: they have nausea, tiredness and painful breasts. Many couples are also worried about the future and feel stressed during this period.
- However, the vagina, clitoris and nipples are more sensitive. Some women feel like having sex more often.
- For some women, sex during pregnancy is too painful.
Some men find it difficult to have sex with their pregnant partner for fear of hurting her or the foetus.
Not harmful to the foetus
Sexual intercourse is not dangerous for the foetus. The uterus protects the foetus. The entrance to the uterus (cervix) is closed. Semen cannot enter the uterus.
There is no risk of miscarriage, but do not have sexual intercourse if the doctor advises you not to.
Sex is more than penetration. There are different kinds of sex. You can also masturbate, caress, massage, cuddle or have oral sex with your partner.

Different positions
You can try different positions that are more comfortable and less painful.
Protection against STIs
Protect yourself against STIs with a condom. You can infect your foetus with an STI.