More information about access to health care

You can find contact details of health professionals below. You can filter the contacts by theme. 

Maison médicale
Medical, social and psychological help in French speaking Belgium. Find a Maison médicale in your neighbourhood:
Support for persons without legal residence who need medical care in the Brussels region
02 274 14 33 or 02 274 14 34
Meldpunt Discriminatie - Unia
Local service of the Interfederal Centre for Equal Opportunities - To report a case of discrimination. Find a Meldpunt in your neighbourhood:
Organisation for people with a migrant background who feel attracted to people of the same sex and/or have questions about their sexual orientation or gender identity.
0487 55 69 38 (MerhabaPhone)
A midwife helps pregnant women before, during and after delivery. Find a midwife in your neighbourhood:
Legal help for foreigners and help in case of discrimination
02 209 62 50
MSOC Diest - 't Wit Huis
Support to people with a drug addiction
013 32 69 33
Support to people with a drug addiction
09 223 46 44
MSOC Leuven - Het Veerhuis
Support to people with a drug addiction
016 23 65 67
MSOC Oostende
Support to people with a drug addiction
059 51 63 29, 059 51 63 09
MSOC Tienen
Support to people with a drug addiction
016 81 04 82
