More information about access to health care
You can find contact details of health professionals below. You can filter the contacts by theme.
Prenataal steunpunt - Sint-Bernardsesteenweg
Free prenatal care
03 285 44 36, 078 150 100
Prenataal steunpunt - Willy Vandersteenplein
Free prenatal care
078 150 100
Legal help for undocumented migrants
02 512 80 80
Place where homosexuals and transgenders and their friends go to receive information and meet
02 503 59 90
Rainbows United
Gatherings for homosexual, gay, lesbian and transgender asylum seekers
02 503 59 90
Regenbooghuis Limburg
Place where homosexuals and transgenders and their friends go to receive information and meet
0471 25 21 97
Relais Santé Charleroi
Access to medical care, shelter and social services for people who are excluded from mainstream healthcare.
071 31 98 05, 0473 11 03 58
Réseau Mariage et Migration
Telephone number for questions regarding forced marriage
0800 90 901
Rutgershuis Oost
Anonymous medical care and information about contraception, virginity and sexuality
+31 26 4422593, +31 26 4436457
S clinic - UMC Saint-Pierre
STI testing and treatment
02 535 37 32
Service de Santé Affective Sexuelle et de Réduction des Risques (Sexual Health Service and Risk Reduction) - Anonymous and free STI and HIV testing
081 77 68 20
Safe house (vluchthuis)
A safe house provides shelter, support, tranquility and security to people who are threatened and/or abused. The addresses of the safe houses are secret.
078 150 300