More information about access to health care
You can find contact details of health professionals below. You can filter the contacts by theme.
French-speaking abortion clinic
Abortion clinic for a legal abortion or help with an unintended pregnancy. Find a clinic in your neighbourhood:
GAMS Antwerpen
Groupe pour l'abolition des mutilations sexuelles (Organization for the abolition of female genital mutilation) - Help for women who are victim of female genital mutilation or who have questions about it
0495 93 93 18
GAMS Brussel
Groupe pour l'abolition des mutilations sexuelles (Organization for the abolition of female genital mutilation) - Help for women who are victim of female genital mutilation or who have questions about it
02 219 43 40
GAMS Liège
Groupe pour l'abolition des mutilations sexuelles (Organization for the abolition of female genital mutilation) - Help for women who are victim of female genital mutilation or who have questions about it
0470 54 18 99
GAMS Namur
Groupe pour l'abolition des mutilations sexuelles (Organization for the abolition of female genital mutilation) - Help for women who are victim of female genital mutilation or who have questions about it
0493 49 29 50
Gender Contact West-Vlaanderen
For transgender persons.
0498 16 21 43
Gender Express
For transgenders living in the Ghent region
For transgender persons and the people around them
0472 50 09 58
For transgenders in the Antwerp region
03 288 00 84
Geneeskunde voor het volk
You can visit a family doctor at a Geneeskunde voor het Volk (People’s Medicine) practice. Other care professionals such as nurses and dieticians also work at these practices. Care is provided free of charge. Find a practice in your neighbourhood on the ”Groepspraktijken” (Group Practices) page:
Ghent University Hospital [UZ Gent] Centre for sexuality and gender
Psychosocial assistance and sex change treatment for transgender persons
09 332 60 23
In Belgium, you can make an appointment directly with the gynaecologist without a referral from your family doctor. However, your family doctor can help you find a gynaecologist.