More information about access to health care
You can find contact details of health professionals below. You can filter the contacts by theme.
Elisa Centrum - UMC Saint-Pierre
Anonymous and free HIV and STI testing
02 535 30 03
Information on marriage migration, mixed marriages and relationships, and gender
02 220 38 95
Entre 2 Wallonie - Charleroi
Reception, social support and medical care for sex workers and former sex workers
071 31 40 42, 0474 25 90 44
Espace Mandela
Organisation for people with a migrant background who are HIV positive. The focus is on meeting others, sharing experiences and information and becoming stronger. Fun activities in complete confidence.
02 733 72 99
Espace P - Arlon
HIV and STI testing, medical and psychosocial help for sex workers
0474 13 86 54
Espace P - Brussel
HIV and STI testing, medical and psychosocial help for sex workers
02 219 98 74
Espace P - Charleroi
HIV and STI testing, medical and psychosocial help for sex workers
071 30 98 10, 0471 54 28 23
Espace P - Liège
HIV and STI testing, medical and psychosocial help for sex workers
04 221 05 09
Espace P - Mons
HIV and STI testing, medical and psychosocial help for sex workers
065 8470 09
Espace P - Namur
HIV and STI testing, medical and psychosocial help for sex workers
081 77 68 21, 081 72 16 21
Ex aequo
For men who have sex with men in Brussels and Wallonia. Help with questions and problems concerning HIV and sexual health and free HIV and STI tests. You need to make an appointment for tests.
02 736 28 61
Expertisecentrum Kraamzorg De Bakermat
Information about a desire to have children, pregnancy, delivery, maternity care, breast-feeding and parenthood.
016 20 77 40