More information about access to health care
You can find contact details of health professionals below. You can filter the contacts by theme.
Expertisecentrum Kraamzorg De Kraamvogel
Information about a desire to have children, pregnancy, delivery, maternity care, breast-feeding and parenthood.
03 238 11 00
Expertisecentrum Kraamzorg De Wieg
Information about a desire to have children, pregnancy, delivery, maternity care, breast-feeding and parenthood.
0473 45 14 38, 050 33 02 70
Expertisecentrum Kraamzorg Kraamkaravaan
Information about a desire to have children, pregnancy, delivery, maternity care, breast-feeding and parenthood.
09 333 57 60
Expertisecentrum Kraamzorg Volle maan
Information about a desire to have children, pregnancy, delivery, maternity care, breast-feeding and parenthood.
02 229 25 58, 0478 88 11 86
Family doctor
You can talk to a family doctor about almost every intimate issue. If necessary the family doctor can refer you to a specialised health professional. Find a family doctor in your neighbourhood:
Fara listens, provides information and guides you with pregnancy choices. Help with unintended pregnancy, young parenthood, tests before childbirth and coping after an abortion
016 38 69 50 (9-16h)
Fertility centre
Centre for fertility treatment. Find a centre in your neighbourhood:
Legal help for undocumented migrants
02 414 04 53
Free Clinic
Help for people addicted to drugs, also HIV testing
03 201 12 60
Free Clinic asbl
Legal help for undocumented migrants
02 512 13 14