More information about access to health care
You can find contact details of health professionals below. You can filter the contacts by theme.
Support group for women with HIV in Antwerp. Social welfare nurses provide professional support for the group.
03 247 64 65
Violett Antwerpen
Health care and support to sex workers, also STI and HIV testing
03 293 95 91, 0474 98 57 66
Violett Gent
Help for sex workers, also STI and HIV testing
09 233 47 67
Violett Hasselt
Help for sex workers, also STI and HIV testing
011 33 30 58
Vlaams Centrum voor Adoptie
The central Flemish authority for adoption - Information on adoption and help with adoption procedures
02 533 14 76, 02 533 14 77 (Monday and Wednesday 14-16h, Tuesday and Thursday 9.30-12h)
Why Me
Organization for homosexual and transgender people from Sub-Sahara Africa
0466 16 40 38
Ziekenhuis Oost-Limburg
HIV testing and medical and psychosocial help with HIV
089 32 55 32
ZNA Middelheim
Medical and psychosocial help for people with HIV
03 280 24 90
ZNA Stuivenberg
Medical and psychosocial help for people with HIV
03 217 74 43