More information about access to health care
You can find contact details of health professionals below. You can filter the contacts by theme.
Helpcenter ITG
Help with HIV and sexual health issues. Free and anonymous STI and HIV testing.
03 216 02 88
Het Roze Huis - çavaria Antwerpen
Place where homosexuals and transgenders and their friends go to receive information and meet
03 288 00 84
HIV-SAM project
Counselling to people from Sub-Sahara Africa living with HIV and HIV and STI prevention towards the African community
03 247 07 18
Holebihuis Vlaams-Brabant
Place where homosexuals and transgenders and their friends go to receive information and meet
016 60 12 63
Hôpital Erasme - ARC
ARC (AIDS Reference Centre) - HIV testing and medical and psychosocial help for people with HIV and their environment
02 555 31 11
Centre for prevention, counselling and treatment of sexually abuse behaviour. Help and counseling for perpetrators of sexual violence, persons who have questions about their sexual behaviour and anybody with questions regarding sexual violence.
02 512 62 43 (9-16h)
ICAR Wallonie
HIV and STI tests, medical, administrative and psychosocial assistance for sex workers
04 223 18 26 - 0499 38 88 46 (Monday to Friday, between 8.30 a.m. and 4.30 p.m.)
Info Point Residence and Legal Status - vzw Integratie en Inburgering Antwerpen
Information and advice on right of residence and other rights of foreigners in the city of Antwerp and also information about access to health care.
03 270 33 36
Instituut voor Tropische Geneeskunde - ARC
Institute of Tropical Medicine - ARC (AIDS Reference Centre) - STI and HIV testing and medical and psyhosocial help for people with HIV and their environment
03 247 64 65
Legal help with issues related to female genital mutilation
02 539 02 04
Jan Yperman Ziekenhuis
HIV testing and medical and psychosocial help for people with HIV
057 35 71 80
Jessa Ziekenhuis
HIV testing and medical and psychosocial help for people with HIV
011 30 94 85