More information about access to health care
You can find contact details of health professionals below. You can filter the contacts by theme.
MSOC Vilvoorde
Support to people with a drug addiction
02 251 94 49
Nova Vida
Free information and services related to family planning, pregnancy, delivery and breastfeeding. You have to make an appointment in advance.
03 220 33 33
OCMW (CPAS - Public Welfare Centre)
This service offers social support and is responsible for the procedure 'urgent medical care', which allows people without residence status to access medical care. Find an OCMW in your neighbourhood:
Support to homosexual people from the Middle East and North Africa
0470 66 63 80, 0488 22 71 71
Free social and medical monitoring during pregnancy and monitoring of the child. ONE works throughout French-speaking Belgium. Contact the local ONE branch:
Assistance to victims of human trafficking
02 511 64 64
Help with questions about pregnancy and young parenthood.
0484 44 01 60
Primary care, support, and protection for victims of human trafficking and exploitation
03 201 16 90
Perpetrator aid
Help and counseling for perpetrators of sexual violence and persons questioning their sexual behaviour. Find a specialized centre :
Shop where you can buy medicines. You can also receive advice here about medicines. Find a pharmacy in your neighbourhood:
Planning familial
Help with all kinds of issues: contraception, (unintended) pregnancy, marriage, STI and HIV testing... Planning familial also provides assistance to victims of violence and abuse. Find a planning familial in your neighbourhood:
Planning Marolles
Medical and psychological care, information about contraception, virginity and sexuality and abortion centre
02 511 29 90