More information about access to health care
You can find contact details of health professionals below. You can filter the contacts by theme.
Plate-Forme Prévention Sida
Support to people living with HIV and their environment
02 733 72 99
Pleegzorg Limburg
Information and support for people who want to be a foster parent or want to find a foster family for their child.
089 84 07 60
Pleegzorg Oost-Vlaanderen
Information and support for people who want to be a foster parent or want to find a foster family for their child.
09 245 27 26
Pleegzorg Provincie Antwerpen
Information and support for people who want to be a foster parent or want to find a foster family for their child.
0491 040 045
Pleegzorg Vlaams Brabant en Brussel
Information and support for people who want to be a foster parent or want to find a foster family for their child.
0491 56 76 76
Pleegzorg West-Vlaanderen
Information and support for people who want to be a foster parent or want to find a foster family for their child.
051 212 166
Assistance in a life threatening situation
Prenataal steunpunt - Bevrijdingslaan
Free prenatal care
078 150 100
Prenataal steunpunt - Brussel
Free prenatal care
02 229 50 17, 078 150 100
Prenataal steunpunt - De Sloep
Free prenatal care
09 234 38 58, 078 150 100
Prenataal steunpunt - Mechelen
Free prenatal care
078 150 100
Prenataal steunpunt - Pothoekstraat
Free prenatal care
078 150 100