Surgical delivery (caesarean section)

Surgical delivery is also called caesarean section. During a surgical delivery, the doctor makes an incision in the mother’s belly to take out the baby.

A caesarean section is usually planned. In this case, you already know that it is going to be a caesarean section before you go into labour.

Doctor performing a caesarian section.

Caesarian section: the operation

A caesarian section takes place as follows:

You are admitted to hospital in the morning. You must have been fasting (no food or drink) for at least 6 hours. You prepare for surgery. For instance: you put on a surgical gown, take off jewellery and remove your make-up.

The doctor will give you an epidural anaesthetic. This is an injection in the lower back. The injection can be given while you are sitting or lying.

Doctor giving a pregnant woman an epidural anaesthetic.

During delivery, your partner or another person of your choice can stay with you. The doctor makes an incision in your belly, just above the pubic hair. You do not feel any pain, but you can feel that you are being operated on.

The doctor takes out your baby. The entire operation takes up to 1 hour.
Then the umbilical cord is cut.

If you have an emergency caesarean section:

  • you will have a general anaesthetic instead of an epidural (local) anaesthetic;
  • nobody can accompany you.

Keizersnede (bevalling met operatie)

Een bevalling met een operatie wordt keizersnede genoemd. Bij een keizersnede maakt de gynaecoloog een snee in de buik van de moeder om de baby te verlossen.

Meestal is de keizersnede gepland. In dat geval weet u dat het een keizersnede zal zijn voordat u aan de arbeid begint. 

Dokter voert een keizersnede uit.

Keizersnede: de operatie

Een geplande keizersnede gebeurt zo:

U wordt ’s ochtends opgenomen in het ziekenhuis. U moet minstens 6 uur nuchter zijn (geen eten of drinken). U maakt zich klaar voor de operatie. Bijvoorbeeld: u trekt een operatiehemd aan, doet uw juwelen uit en verwijdert make-up.

De dokter geeft u epidurale verdoving. Dit is een injectie in de onderrug. U krijgt de verdoving terwijl u zit of ligt.

Dokter geeft een zwangere vrouw epidurale verdoving.

Tijdens de bevalling kan uw partner of iemand anders van uw keuze bij u blijven. De gynaecoloog maakt een snee in uw buik, boven uw schaambeen. U voelt geen pijn, maar u voelt wel dat u wordt geopereerd.

De dokter haalt de baby naar buiten. De hele operatie duurt maximaal 1 uur. 
De navelstreng wordt daarna doorgeknipt.  

Bij een keizersnede in een noodsituatie:  

  • krijgt u algemene verdoving in plaats van epidurale (lokale) verdoving;
  • mag niemand u vergezellen.

More information or help needed?

Family doctor
You can talk to a family doctor about almost every intimate issue. If necessary the family doctor can refer you to a specialised health professional. Find a family doctor in your neighbourhood:
In Belgium, you can make an appointment directly with the gynaecologist without a referral from your family doctor. However, your family doctor can help you find a gynaecologist.
A midwife helps pregnant women before, during and after delivery. Find a midwife in your neighbourhood:
Community health centre (wijkgezondheidscentrum)
You can visit a family doctor in a community health centre. Other care professionals such as nurses and social workers also work at community health centres. Care is provided free of charge. Find a community health centre in your neighbourhood:
CAW - Centrum Algemeen Welzijn
Centre for general well-being - Help with all kinds of issues: a difficult relationship, medical, financial, administrative, legal or material problems, family problems,... CAWs also provide assistance to victims of violence and abuse. Find a CAW in your neighbourhood:
Prenatal and postnatal care for women who migrated to Belgium
02 535 47 13
Prenataal steunpunt - Bevrijdingslaan
Free prenatal care
078 150 100
Prenataal steunpunt - De Sloep
Free prenatal care
09 234 38 58, 078 150 100
Prenataal steunpunt - Mechelen
Free prenatal care
078 150 100
Prenataal steunpunt - Pothoekstraat
Free prenatal care
078 150 100
Prenataal steunpunt - Sint-Bernardsesteenweg
Free prenatal care
03 285 44 36, 078 150 100
Prenataal steunpunt - Willy Vandersteenplein
Free prenatal care
078 150 100
Kind en Gezin
Assistance to (prospective) parents with information, practical tips and medical follow-up until the child is 3 years of age. Services are for free.
078 150 100
De Kraamtuin
Information about a desire to have children, pregnancy, delivery, maternity care, breast-feeding and parenthood.
078 05 52 00
Expertisecentrum Kraamzorg De Bakermat
Information about a desire to have children, pregnancy, delivery, maternity care, breast-feeding and parenthood.
016 20 77 40
Expertisecentrum Kraamzorg De Kraamvogel
Information about a desire to have children, pregnancy, delivery, maternity care, breast-feeding and parenthood.
03 238 11 00
Expertisecentrum Kraamzorg De Wieg
Information about a desire to have children, pregnancy, delivery, maternity care, breast-feeding and parenthood.
0473 45 14 38, 050 33 02 70
Expertisecentrum Kraamzorg Kraamkaravaan
Information about a desire to have children, pregnancy, delivery, maternity care, breast-feeding and parenthood.
09 333 57 60
Expertisecentrum Kraamzorg Volle maan
Information about a desire to have children, pregnancy, delivery, maternity care, breast-feeding and parenthood.
02 229 25 58, 0478 88 11 86