Prostitution / sex work

Prostitution or sex work means offering sex in exchange for money or other advantages. There is a difference between sex workers who voluntarily choose to engage in sex work and victims of human trafficking who are forced into prostitution. Consequently, sex work is not punishable, but forcing someone to engage in sex work is.

Sex work is legal in Belgium provided that both the sex worker and client are older than 18 and that the sex worker acts of his/her free will and with consent. They are doing nothing that is forbidden by law.  

Forced prostitution and human trafficking are forbidden by law. Sexual exploitation of minors in prostitution is also forbidden. Teenage pimps who seduce girls and start a false relationship with them in order to then force them into prostitution can also be punished.

A sex worker and a client are talking at the entrance of a brothel

All forms of violence or discrimination against a male, female or transgender sex worker are forbidden by law.

Prostitutie / sekswerk

Prostitutie of sekswerk betekent seks aanbieden in ruil voor geld of andere voordelen. Er is een onderscheid tussen sekswerkers die vrijwillig kiezen om deze job te doen en slachtoffers van mensenhandel die gedwongen worden tot prostitutie. Daarom is sekswerk niet strafbaar, maar iemand dwingen tot sekswerk wel.

Sekswerk is legaal in België als zowel de sekswerker als de klant ouder dan 18 jaar zijn en de sekswerker vrij en met toestemming handelt. Zij doen niets strafbaars.  

Gedwongen prostitutie en mensenhandel zijn strafbaar. Seksuele uitbuiting van minderjarigen in de prostitutie is ook verboden. Ook tienerpooiers die meisjes versieren en een valse relatie met hen beginnen om hen daarna in de prostitutie te dwingen zijn strafbaar.

Een sekswerker en een klant praten aan de ingang van een bordeel

Elke vorm van geweld of discriminatie tegenover een mannelijke, vrouwelijke of transgender sekswerker is strafbaar.

More information or help needed?

Violett Gent
Help for sex workers, also STI and HIV testing
09 233 47 67
Violett Hasselt
Help for sex workers, also STI and HIV testing
011 33 30 58
Violett Antwerpen
Health care and support to sex workers, also STI and HIV testing
03 293 95 91, 0474 98 57 66
Medical and social help for male sex workers
0484 60 52 18, 0484 60 80 47
Social organization for male and transgender sex workers
03 293 95 90
Espace P - Arlon
HIV and STI testing, medical and psychosocial help for sex workers
0474 13 86 54
Espace P - Brussel
HIV and STI testing, medical and psychosocial help for sex workers
02 219 98 74
Espace P - Charleroi
HIV and STI testing, medical and psychosocial help for sex workers
071 30 98 10, 0471 54 28 23
Espace P - Liège
HIV and STI testing, medical and psychosocial help for sex workers
04 221 05 09
Espace P - Mons
HIV and STI testing, medical and psychosocial help for sex workers
065 8470 09
Espace P - Namur
HIV and STI testing, medical and psychosocial help for sex workers
081 77 68 21, 081 72 16 21
Family doctor
You can talk to a family doctor about almost every intimate issue. If necessary the family doctor can refer you to a specialised health professional. Find a family doctor in your neighbourhood:
ICAR Wallonie
HIV and STI tests, medical, administrative and psychosocial assistance for sex workers
04 223 18 26 - 0499 38 88 46 (Monday to Friday, between 8.30 a.m. and 4.30 p.m.)