Pregnancy test
If your menstrual period is late, you may be pregnant. You can do a pregnancy test to see if you are pregnant. There are 2 kinds of pregnancy test:
Urine test
You can buy a pregnancy test in the supermarket, chemist’s shop or pharmacy. This is a urine test. For a correct result, it is best to do the test after your menstrual period has been late for several days.
Do the test in the following way:
- Put the test in some of your urine.
- Put the test down horizontally.
- Wait about 5 minutes for the result. It will appear on the screen of the test.
- If the test is positive, go to a doctor. He/she will confirm your pregnancy with a blood test.
Blood test
Symptoms of pregnancy
Some women have the first symptoms of pregnancy early in the pregnancy.
Price of a pregnancy test
A pregnancy test that you can buy yourself (urine test) costs between € 10 and € 20. There are various brands of tests. You can choose which kind of test is best for you.
For a blood test, you also have to pay a personal contribution for the visit to the doctor. You also pay part of the lab costs. The doctor receives the result of the test, but the invoice is sent to you. The invoice only states that your blood was tested, but does not say why. Talk to your doctor if you do not want the invoice sent to your home.
Some people have a right to increased reimbursement or urgent medical care.