Types of women’s bodies
The body of each woman looks different. There are no rules about what a woman’s body should look like. Bodies can differ in, for example:
- skin colour;
- general shape;
- breasts;
- weight;
- height;
- vulva;
- amount and colour of pubic hair and body hair.
Some women shave their pubic hair and body hair, others do not. This is a choice.
The way the body looks is not important for the way it functions.
More information or help needed?
Family doctor
You can talk to a family doctor about almost every intimate issue. If necessary the family doctor can refer you to a specialised health professional. Find a family doctor in your neighbourhood:
Community health centre (wijkgezondheidscentrum)
You can visit a family doctor in a community health centre. Other care professionals such as nurses and social workers also work at community health centres. Care is provided free of charge. Find a community health centre in your neighbourhood:
In Belgium, you can make an appointment directly with the gynaecologist without a referral from your family doctor. However, your family doctor can help you find a gynaecologist.