Your relationship when having a baby

Being a parent can change your relationship with your partner.

A lot of attention is paid to the baby, and you get less sleep. Make time for both of you to get used to the new situation and find ways of adjusting.

Sex life

Your sex life may also change:

  • In the first weeks after delivery, the woman’s body still has to recover. Both partners have to take it slowly and gently.
  • If you breast-feed your baby (women), your breasts may be heavy and sensitive. Your breasts may lose breast-milk in between feeds.
  • In the period after delivery, the woman can experience less sexual desire. Sometimes the woman’s partner is afraid of hurting her. Talk to each other about your emotions and wishes.
  • The woman’s body may be permanently changed. For example: difference in weight, changed shape of belly and breasts or stretch marks on the belly. You both have to get used to this.

Talk with your partner and try to find a sex life that suits you both and is adapted to your new situation.

Couple talking in bed.

Uw relatie wanneer u een baby heeft

Ouder zijn kan de relatie met uw partner veranderen.

De meeste aandacht gaat naar de baby en u krijgt minder slaap. Maak allebei tijd om aan de nieuwe situatie te wennen en probeer jullie aan te passen. Maak ook tijd voor elkaar.


Uw seksleven kan ook veranderen:

  • In de eerste weken na de bevalling moet het lichaam van de vrouw zich nog herstellen. Doe het allebei langzaam en zachtjes aan.
  • Als u borstvoeding geeft (vrouwen), kunnen uw borsten zwaar en gevoelig zijn. Tussen de voedingen door kan er moedermelk uit uw borsten lekken.
  • In de periode na de bevalling kan de vrouw minder seksueel verlangen hebben. Sommige mannen zijn bang dat ze hun partner pijn zullen doen. Praat met elkaar over uw gevoelens en verlangens.
  • Het lichaam van de vrouw kan blijvend veranderd zijn. Ze kan een ander gewicht hebben, striemen op de buik, de vorm van haar buik en borsten kan veranderd zijn,… U moet hier allebei aan wennen.

Praat met uw partner en probeer een seksleven op te bouwen dat voor allebei goed is en dat aangepast is aan jullie nieuwe situatie.

Koppel praat in bed.

More information or help needed?

Family doctor
You can talk to a family doctor about almost every intimate issue. If necessary the family doctor can refer you to a specialised health professional. Find a family doctor in your neighbourhood:
Community health centre (wijkgezondheidscentrum)
You can visit a family doctor in a community health centre. Other care professionals such as nurses and social workers also work at community health centres. Care is provided free of charge. Find a community health centre in your neighbourhood:
CAW - Centrum Algemeen Welzijn
Centre for general well-being - Help with all kinds of issues: a difficult relationship, medical, financial, administrative, legal or material problems, family problems,... CAWs also provide assistance to victims of violence and abuse. Find a CAW in your neighbourhood:
Prenatal and postnatal care for women who migrated to Belgium
02 535 47 13
De Kraamtuin
Information about a desire to have children, pregnancy, delivery, maternity care, breast-feeding and parenthood.
078 05 52 00
Expertisecentrum Kraamzorg De Bakermat
Information about a desire to have children, pregnancy, delivery, maternity care, breast-feeding and parenthood.
016 20 77 40
Expertisecentrum Kraamzorg De Kraamvogel
Information about a desire to have children, pregnancy, delivery, maternity care, breast-feeding and parenthood.
03 238 11 00
Expertisecentrum Kraamzorg De Wieg
Information about a desire to have children, pregnancy, delivery, maternity care, breast-feeding and parenthood.
0473 45 14 38, 050 33 02 70
Expertisecentrum Kraamzorg Kraamkaravaan
Information about a desire to have children, pregnancy, delivery, maternity care, breast-feeding and parenthood.
09 333 57 60
Expertisecentrum Kraamzorg Volle maan
Information about a desire to have children, pregnancy, delivery, maternity care, breast-feeding and parenthood.
02 229 25 58, 0478 88 11 86
Kind en Gezin
Assistance to (prospective) parents with information, practical tips and medical follow-up until the child is 3 years of age. Services are for free.
078 150 100
A midwife helps pregnant women before, during and after delivery. Find a midwife in your neighbourhood:
Therapy for sexual problems. A sexologist looks for a solution through conversations with one or both partners. Find a sexologist in your neighbourhood:
Free social and medical monitoring during pregnancy and monitoring of the child. ONE works throughout French-speaking Belgium. Contact the local ONE branch: