Signs of upcoming delivery
Natural delivery
In the case of a natural delivery, the signs of upcoming delivery are:
- You lose a little bit of blood;
- You lose a mucous plug;
- Your waters break (you lose amniotic fluid);
- You have regular contractions over a period of 1 hour, with intervals of 5 to 10 minutes between contractions;
- You feel your baby moving.
Contact your doctor, gynaecologist or midwife, or go to a hospital if you have 1 or more of these signs.
Surgical delivery: caesarean section
In the case of a planned surgical delivery (caesarean section): the doctor decides the day on which you will deliver.
More information or help needed?
Family doctor
You can talk to a family doctor about almost every intimate issue. If necessary the family doctor can refer you to a specialised health professional. Find a family doctor in your neighbourhood:
In Belgium, you can make an appointment directly with the gynaecologist without a referral from your family doctor. However, your family doctor can help you find a gynaecologist.
A midwife helps pregnant women before, during and after delivery. Find a midwife in your neighbourhood:
Community health centre (wijkgezondheidscentrum)
You can visit a family doctor in a community health centre. Other care professionals such as nurses and social workers also work at community health centres. Care is provided free of charge. Find a community health centre in your neighbourhood:
CAW - Centrum Algemeen Welzijn
Centre for general well-being - Help with all kinds of issues: a difficult relationship, medical, financial, administrative, legal or material problems, family problems,... CAWs also provide assistance to victims of violence and abuse. Find a CAW in your neighbourhood:
Prenatal and postnatal care for women who migrated to Belgium
02 535 47 13
Prenataal steunpunt - Bevrijdingslaan
Free prenatal care
078 150 100
Prenataal steunpunt - Brussel
Free prenatal care
02 229 50 17, 078 150 100
Prenataal steunpunt - De Sloep
Free prenatal care
09 234 38 58, 078 150 100
Prenataal steunpunt - Mechelen
Free prenatal care
078 150 100
Prenataal steunpunt - Pothoekstraat
Free prenatal care
078 150 100
Prenataal steunpunt - Sint-Bernardsesteenweg
Free prenatal care
03 285 44 36, 078 150 100
Prenataal steunpunt - Willy Vandersteenplein
Free prenatal care
078 150 100
Kind en Gezin
Assistance to (prospective) parents with information, practical tips and medical follow-up until the child is 3 years of age. Services are for free.
078 150 100