Sexual orientation

Belgian law forbids discrimination because of sexual orientation. For example: for work, leisure, education, services, housing.

Certain crimes (such as damage to property or verbal or physical violence) are punished more heavily if they are motivated by hatred against lesbian women, homosexuals, bisexuals or transsexuals.

In Belgium, homosexual and lesbian couples can marry and legally live together. Two men or two women can also adopt a child together.

Lesbian couple with children

If you are the victim of violence because of your sexual orientation, you can file a complaint to Unia, the Inter-federal Centre for Equal Opportunities. You can also go to one of their local contact points. You should also report this to the police. You can call or chat with someone from the LGBT helpline called “Holebifoon” for more information.

Seksuele oriëntatie

De Belgische wet verbiedt discriminatie op basis van iemands seksuele oriëntatie, bijvoorbeeld voor werk, vrijetijdsbesteding, onderwijs, dienstverlening, huisvesting.

Bepaalde misdaden (zoals beschadiging van eigendommen of verbaal en fysiek geweld) worden zwaarder bestraft als de reden haat tegenover lesbische vrouwen, homoseksuelen, biseksuelen of transgenders was.

Homoseksuele en lesbische koppels kunnen in België huwen en wettelijk samenwonen. Twee mannen of vrouwen kunnen ook samen een kind adopteren.

Een lesbisch koppel met kinderen

Als u het slachtoffer bent van geweld wegens uw seksuele oriëntatie, kunt u een klacht indienen bij Unia, het Interfederaal Gelijkekansencentrum, of kunt u naar een van hun meldpunten gaan. Meld het ook bij de politie. U kunt bellen of chatten met de Holebifoon voor meer informatie. 

More information or help needed?

Unia - Interfederal Centre for Equal Opportunities
For questions regarding discrimination or to report a case of discrimination
0800 12 800 (free) (Monday and Friday 9-12h, Tuesday and Wednesday 9-17h)
Meldpunt Discriminatie - Unia
Local service of the Interfederal Centre for Equal Opportunities - To report a case of discrimination. Find a Meldpunt in your neighbourhood:
Assistance in a life threatening situation
Free telephone number for an answer to all questions regarding homosexuality and transgender
0800 99 533
Leonardo International LGBT
English speaking group for lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transgenders
016 60 12 63
Why Me
Organization for homosexual and transgender people from Sub-Sahara Africa
0466 16 40 38
Organisation for people with a migrant background who feel attracted to people of the same sex and/or have questions about their sexual orientation or gender identity.
0487 55 69 38 (MerhabaPhone)
Support to homosexual people from the Middle East and North Africa
0470 66 63 80, 0488 22 71 71
Shouf Shouf
Multicultural organisation for homosexuals, lesbians and bisexuals
0483 41 60 84
Het Roze Huis - çavaria Antwerpen
Place where homosexuals and transgenders and their friends go to receive information and meet
03 288 00 84
Place where homosexuals and transgenders and their friends go to receive information and meet
02 503 59 90
Casa Rosa
Place where homosexuals and transgenders and their friends go to receive information and meet
09 269 28 12
Rainbows United
Gatherings for homosexual, gay, lesbian and transgender asylum seekers
02 503 59 90
Regenbooghuis Limburg
Place where homosexuals and transgenders and their friends go to receive information and meet
0471 25 21 97
Holebihuis Vlaams-Brabant
Place where homosexuals and transgenders and their friends go to receive information and meet
016 60 12 63
Legal help for foreigners and help in case of discrimination
02 209 62 50
Ex aequo
For men who have sex with men in Brussels and Wallonia. Help with questions and problems concerning HIV and sexual health and free HIV and STI tests. You need to make an appointment for tests.
02 736 28 61